Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What To Do When Your Husband is Cooler Than You.

It's true. And, I've got three little cousins who will tell you so. Chris has completely owned this responsibility and made little brothers and sisters out of these kids. They cling to him, look up to him, (usually) respect him, and best of all, love him. 

I miss these little guys a lot some weeks. Most of you know I lived with my aunt, Chrissy for about a year before the rest of my family moved down here.  I watched Skylar grow up from level 1! Then came Charley and Max. We were all awesome buds. I took care of them every day after school and most of the summertime. But, big girl jobs mean big girl free time (which isn't much). So, little Olivia barely even knows me. Chris fills me in, though. We spend most of our dinner conversations talking about "the kids" - what they said, what their spelling grades were, and who threw the worst tantrum.

He's doing a stellar job. If I could have picked anyone else to take my place, it would have been Chris. He's the cool guy that plays sword fights and the best multiplication teacher.

He's "Chris the Manny" to a bunch of kids that just adore him. 


 I was home sick from work on Friday when Chris said "I almost forgot - today's the Dolphin Dash! I promised the kids I'd watch them run!" He was half way out the door when I told him I was going with him. My throat might have been on fire, but I wasn't about to miss the Dolphin Dash if I could help it.


You're gonna be the best dad, Chris.

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