Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

"Times are undeniably tough. Reports have placed the unemployment rate for the under-25 group as high as 54%. Many of these unemployed graduates are choosing to go into higher education in an attempt to wait out the job market, while others are going anywhere — and doing anything — for work. Meanwhile, moving back home helps with expenses and paying off student loans." (TIME article)

I mean, what's the unemployment rate these days? In Jacksonville it's 9.5% (BLS). That's a lot of people. And, by some ridiculous miracle,  I'm on the positive side of that statistic. Somehow, I bypassed the rejection, filling out countless job applications and the stress that goes hand-in-hand with unemployment. As if that wasn't enough, I actually love my job.

(Are you kidding me?)

While hundreds of Jacksonville girls my age have a diploma in hand and are unemployed, I'm running into my third raise and second promotion in the year I've been employed.

Of all the things I worry about, employment was never among them. Maybe Jesus knew what he was doing. He knew a young Danni-wife couldn't handle that one.

So, here's to you, UNF - and the six LONG years you've helped me get here.

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