Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sometimes You Make Pretend

That you're an electrician.

For the past, hm, 8 months or so, we've been living with a light switch in the bathroom that turns off on its own. It comes at the most unexpected of times - while you're in the shower, or washing your face. Today we decided no more will we be the victims of darkness. So, it was off to Home Depot we went!

We bought a new light fuse (?). And, we got to work.

Circuit breaker: Off
Cell Phone Flashlight: On


After bending a bunch of wires, screwing and unscrewing 8 screws, and only a minor electrocution incident (luckily, the breaker tripped!), our project was done. Behold:



 We like it when we fix things. It adds to our adult points.